Welcome to the Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir

The Choir was formed on St George’s Day (23 April) 2006 with just 9 members. In June of that year it was already on the road with its first concert at Chillington, South Devon. Since then it has never looked back and given concerts, raising many thousands of pounds for charity, in all 4 nations of the UK and in Europe, as well as in its home territory, the South West. It has welcomed guest choirs too to present joint concerts and guest artists from far and wide to perform in its annual Gala concerts in the summer. Members have taken up the opportunity to sing in the Albert Hall and in Birmingham (this September) in massed Cornish Male Voice Choir concerts.
Much of Tamar Valley MVC’s success is due to the dedication of its Director of Music, Rosemary Cole, and to its talented Chief Accompanist, David Crocker. A member of the Cornish Federation of Male Voice Choirs, its base is in Callington, East Cornwall.
Singing is known to be good for health, it provides camaraderie and fun – even travel, and the Choir is on the look-out for new members. With a wide, interesting repertoire there is something for everyone and a warm welcome awaits.
Charles Westlake
Founder and Chairman

Our Chairman, lyric Tenor Charles Westlake, has been singing all his life. He has won a considerable number of awards, Championship and special cups for his solo singing throughout the South West. Charles founded Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir in 2006.
Buy tickets

Tickets may be purchased:
From Ray Hinton tel. 07817 521185
From local outlets
At the door by card or cash
Online for some concerts (see concert schedule page)
Rosemary Cole
Director of Music

Rosemary Cole has been our Musical Director from the Choir’s inauguration on St George’s Day, 2006. For her long experience in the music field, in Voice Production and Singing, and in directing choirs, Rosemary was awarded the BEM in 2018 for her Services to Music and the Arts in the South West.