
The Choir was formed in 2006 and has grown in strength and popularity ever since. Much of the success is due to the musical talents of Rosemary Cole, our retired Director of Music.

We now move on to another phase under the direction of our new Director of Music, Leslie Mazure Park.

We have nearly 30 choristers and the sections are well balanced. We are always looking for new members of all ages and if you are interested in joining please see our ‘Contact Us’ page for further details.

The Choir rehearses at Callington Methodist Church hall, Valentine Row, Callington every Tuesday at 7.30pm in preparation for our many concerts. We practise hard, and enjoy trying new music outside the realms of the usual male voice repertoire – and have a lot of fun in doing so.

The schedule for 2025 is filling up fast. We hope to continue to raise many hundreds of pounds for charity whilst providing enjoyment for our audiences.

Who is Tom?

Tom is the official mascot of the Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir, and is truly representative of the once industrial Tamar Valley. On his person can be found daffodils, cherries, strawberries, apples and tomatoes all produce of the valley.

Tom (pictured right) also has a piece of net with a salmon in it as fishing was once a very active occupation in the area. Clutched in his left hand is a roll of music for the hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus” which was popular in the valley.

Many members of the Choir come from the Devon side of the Tamar and so as not to encourage any animosity twixt Cornish and Devon folk please note that Tom sports colours from both counties.

Tom was made for the Choir by Iris Snell whose late father-in-law was a member of the Gunnislake MVC and later as a second tenor in the Tamar Valley Society, part of which was a male voice choir way back in the 1930s.